My Cadbury Creme Egg Chocolate Brownies

I love chocolate, I love chocolate brownies and I absolutely love Cadbury Creme Eggs. You must have seen the Cadbury Creme Egg Brownie recipe which keeps cropping up, especially at this time of year. Each time I see it I think…I must make them…Well this Easter Sunday I did just that!

First things first…have I got all the ingredients? Into the kitchen and I went and found everything I needed except for eggs…normal eggs I hasten to add, I had plenty Creme Eggs! So off I went to the trusty Co-Op, the only shop which is open every day of the year (well except maybe Christmas Day). I hate being one of those people who cannot go one day without a trip to the shop…but needs must!

Now that I had my ingredients I set to it. I followed the recipe on Sweetharts Cakes and Bakes blog, go take a look if you like baking, there are lots of other yummy recipes.


First I melted the chocolate and butter, I decided to use a bit of Milk Chocolate as well as Dark chocolate, so I added some chocolate buttons out of an Easter egg!!


Then to mix the eggs and sugar until they were light and fluffy, once the melted chocolate had cooled it was time to mix in the egg/sugar mix, flour and cocoa powder…ta dah…ready to be baked. I didn’t have a brownie tin so I just lined a glass dish I had!!


After baking for about 20 minutes I added the Creme Eggs and baked for a further 10 minutes.


It looked absolutely yummy…however when I cut into it was still very gooey inside, so I put it back in the oven for another 10 minutes.

Not sure what went wrong but it was still very gooey in the middle…is this normal ?? It still tasted scrummy, and a few hours later when it had cooled even more it was a bit sturdier!! Maybe I was just being impatient and not cooling long enough!!! The smell in the house all afternoon was amazing too.

Happy Easter!

Emma x